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Let nothing trouble you
Let nothing frighten you…
Because no matter the landscape you see, (…) there is a force inside that reminds you that when connected to others, an energy comforts you, voice to voice,in one same song, to create and build together, no matter where you are…
Join us to give a message of peace. Be part of the power of choral singing to create concord in the world.
On the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I, singers from all over the world wil join their voices to choirs from countries that suffered the biggest losses in that conflicto.
This action shall become a reminder of what we can do together for beauty and not for destruction.
VoxPopuli Virtual Choir
A virtual choir is formed by videos sent by individual singers who record themselves while singing their correspondent section of a selected choral work. The selected material is combined to create an audiovisual final product.
VoxPopuli Virtual Choir will sing the work “Nada te turbe” by Venezuelan composer Carlos Cordero, winner work of VoxPopuli Category (Audience award) in the I International Choral Compsition Competition “Alberto Grau” (CICCAG) promoted by Aequalis Foundation, a non-profit institution based in Caracas, Venezuela.
We join the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) to celebrate the World Choral Day through a global action that aims to offer a current and necessary message.
The VoxPopuli Virtual Choir will be spread through all digital media as a celebration of World Choral Day (December 2018).
Your contribution adds voices for peace
To make this project come through, a goal of $4.500 US dollars are required, to be distributed in three phases: A first phase that consists of the preparation of instructional material for the singers for study and recording purposes. A second phase, which will review and organize the videos of the participants and a third phase in which the audiovisual material will be mixed, the virtual choir will be designed and massively disseminated.
The impact
CICCAG wants to make visible the expansive force of choral singing by involving the multiple factors that make it posible, such as composers, singers, conductors, choirs, editors, audience…
Our next steps are the projection and dissemination of VoxPopuli Virtual Choir, the premiere of other winner works to be sung in different countries and the second edition of CICCAG in 2020. Any amount collected over the goal will contribute to the sustainability of this project and will multiply its impact. We believe in you as our ally.